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Bruce E. Darling

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Q & A With Bruce Darling

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Disabled New Yorkers gain representation

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Wineries facing rash of lawsuits over accessibility

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Disability advocates arrested during health care protest at McConnell’s office

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Why Disability Rights Activists Stormed Mitch McConnell’s Office

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Heavy – VIDEOS & PHOTOS_ Police Remove Disabled Mitch McConnell Protesters

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Common Dreams – Arrests of Trumpcare Protesters, Some in Wheelchairs, Outside McConnell’s Office

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DREDF’s 38th Anniversary Celebration Honoring ADAPT, October 23, 2017

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Video Shows Disability Advocates Forcibly Removed From Senate Protest

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11 images show police forcibly removing disabled people during ‘die-in’ protest over Senate health care bill

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Wheelchair users dragged away from McConnell’s office for protesting health care bill

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Topeka disability rights advocates among protesters arrested in D.C.

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Protesting in a wheelchair: A time-honored American tradition

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Arrests of Trumpcare Protesters, Some in Wheelchairs, Outside McConnell’s Office

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WATCH: Capitol Police Drag Disabled Trumpcare Protesters From Wheelchairs, Make 43 Arrests

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Terms of Confinement: 43 Disability Activists Jailed for Die-In at Mitch McConnell’s Office

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ADAPT Activists Arrested at Senate Health Care Protest

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Despite Arrests, People With Disabilities Continue to Fight for Their Lives

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ADAPT activists put their bodies on the line to gain support for Disability Integration Act

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Portman’s Ohio office health care protests lead to 15 arrests

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Disability rights advocate from Japan makes strides in Rochester

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Appoints Kimberly T. Hill as the State’s First Chief Disability Officer

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17 protesters from Rochester arrested at Capitol

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Disabled protesters arrested at the state Capitol

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Sixty protesters with the disability organization ADAPT arrested at White House

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A law that would segregate disabled people? We must all fight to stop it

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Obama Hedges on Mandatory Community Services

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New law creates advocate for people with disabilities in New York

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Disability Doesn’t Need to Be Seen to Be Real

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Activists call for changes at the Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton

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Meet the disabled activists from Denver who changed a nation

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POLITICS November 5, 2012 Protecting the Voting Rights Of People With Mental Disabilities

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It’s Time for an End-of-Life Discussion About Nursing Homes

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Healthcare bill: Disabled protesters dragged out of Senate as Republicans kickstart final Obamacare repeal effort

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This Video of Police Dumping a Woman with MS from Her Wheelchair is Disgusting

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CRIME Did Columbus officer dump protester from wheelchair?

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Dozens arrested after disability advocates protest at McConnell’s office

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Disabled Americans Saved Healthcare

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Protester: Mitch McConnell Thinks Disabled Americans Are ‘Better Off Dead’

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